Fuerza abdominal: la clave para mejorar su equilibrio y salud postural

Abdominal strength: the key to improving your balance and postural health

If you want to maintain good posture and avoid muscle pain in your neck, back, hips, legs and more, you need to primarily strengthen your abdomen and lower back, which form the base of your torso.

We should think of our body as a communication system: the core muscles connect to the legs and it is they, the abdominal and lower back muscles, that help you stand, walk, bend and stoop.

The abdominal muscles protect and encase your spine and lower back, while the hip muscles connect them. If your core muscles are weak, the efficient functioning of your arms and legs will be impaired. This will undermine your physical performance, your mobility and, worse, your confidence in your body to perform any movement.

Today I will share with you some tips that will help you become aware of your posture, make sure it is correct, and how to maintain it to avoid body pain.

Abdominal strength is involved in virtually everything we do:

In routine activities such as standing up or putting on shoes, lifting a bag, looking back or sitting down. In home work, repairs and gardening because vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, reaching, twisting or hammering involve the muscles of the abdominal area and lower back to be able to carry out these activities.

On the other hand, jobs like sitting for hours at a desk, using a keyboard and similar jobs result in making the back muscles stiff and sore if you do not have good posture and take enough breaks.

Only when you feel difficulty or discomfort when performing routine activities and physical tasks do you realize that your lower trunk muscles have weakened.

Back pain can be prevented or remedied with both exercises that strengthen the back, as well as exercises to strengthen the antagonist muscle, which in this case corresponds to the abdomen. Abdominal strength will not only reduce lower back pain but will provide immediate improvement in body posture, efficiency in the movements of the limbs and joints, which will consequently help prevent injuries and improve physical and sports performance, if applicable.

Become aware of the correct posture

If the muscles in the abdominal area are weak, the spine does not have enough support to maintain the correct natural posture, so other muscles will be used to compensate and maintain an upright but inefficient posture.

An improper posture leads to postural instability, tension in the neck and shoulders, pain and/or injury in the lower back, which triggers movement restrictions, digestive problems, breathing difficulties, fatigue, headaches, chronic pain and joint problems.

But all these complications can be resolved starting today by teaching your body to become aware of the proper posture and to maintain it!

Become aware by constantly checking your posture while sitting, standing, or exercising.

  1. Standing upright . This means:
  • Chin parallel to the floor
  • Even shoulders, that is, bring them up, back and then down to achieve this
  • Arms at sides and elbows relaxed
  • Push back the abdominal muscles
  • Even hips
  • Knees evenly pointing forward
  • Toes pointing forward
  • Body weight distributed between both legs

  1. Neutral natural alignment . This means that it keeps the body in a straight line from head to toe, except for the subtle natural curves of the spine.
  • In standing or sitting posture, your spine is neither flexed nor arched to emphasize the curvature of your lower back.
  • Achieve neutral position by pushing your tailbone slightly forward without straining or being uncomfortable, and then pushing it back as far as you can without being uncomfortable. Natural alignment is roughly in the middle of these two limits.
  • If you're not in the habit of standing or sitting up straight, it may take some getting used to. A neutral posture is straight and firm, not hunched over, but not slouched either.

Useful tips before doing abdominal strengthening exercises

Constantly check the correct posture and technique.  Consider your level of practice and start with the easiest exercises.

1. Warm up before doing abdominal exercises . If you are at home, walk around a bit while swinging your arms from side to side.

2. Pay attention to your alignment . Follow the exercise instructions carefully and learn when to inhale, when to exhale, and what the range of movement of your trunk is.

3. Reps or holding time . Only do the reps you can achieve while maintaining proper alignment and posture. Start by doing a number of reps or holding for seconds gradually. Once you manage to do a full set, add another.

4. Make sure you don't feel pain . It is normal to feel that your abs are straining and the muscles that make up this area. If you feel pain in any part of your body, stop the practice and check your posture. If the pain continues, consult your doctor.

5. Exercise often . You will start to see the results of abdominal strengthening within a few weeks. Try to exercise three to four times a week.

6. Tighten your stomach . When performing crunches, and indeed any other exercise, focus on tightening your stomach. This action will immediately have an effect on your posture and the way you perform the activity.

Follow this instruction: While lying down, sitting, or standing, gently but firmly tighten your abdominal muscles, pushing your belly button toward your back and your tailbone forward. Once you've tightened your stomach, a gentle push from any direction should not cause you to lose your balance.

Some trainers advise imagining that you are putting on a pair of tight jeans and you have to squeeze to be able to zip them up - that would be the pose. It's a matter of practice, so try holding your stomach in for 10 seconds while breathing normally.

7. Goal number 1 is to protect the spine . If you only do abdominal exercises, but do not strengthen the back muscles at the same time, you are not doing the job properly. So we will soon be reviewing some back exercises.

8. Abdominal flexibility . Sports such as swimming, golf and tennis, as well as household chores such as sweeping, mopping and gardening require more than abdominal strength and it is advisable to add stretches so that your movements are fluid by rotating your trunk and slightly arching your back.

9. Start with stability exercises and then move on to instability exercises. First practice exercises with movement patterns such as scissors, bridges, planks on a flat surface.

10. If it is too difficult, try an easier variation; if it is too easy, increase the level .

As your body adjusts to doing the exercises with correct form and alignment, you can add 10 more reps or 10 more seconds of resistance.

Abdominal strengthening exercises 

Breathing :

In exercises that involve holding for several seconds, you should try to breathe calmly while holding the posture.

As for exercises that require repetitions, you should breathe in through your nose during the initial position and exhale through your mouth during the moment when the effort is made.

Abdominal plank

This exercise engages all of the muscles in your core. Make sure your back is STRAIGHT and your abdominal muscles, glutes, and thighs are engaged to maintain the posture. To increase the difficulty, alternate lifting one arm and the opposite leg for 10 seconds. First with one knee on the floor, then without resting the knee. Then repeat on the other side.

Side plank

This exercise strengthens the lateral hip and gives it stability. Make sure your hips are aligned and parallel to the floor, while forming a straight line from your ankles to your shoulders. To increase the difficulty, lift the top leg a few inches and hold for 10 seconds. Then switch sides.

Bicycle crunches

Lying face up on the floor, extend your legs and place your hands on either side of your head. Then bend your right knee while turning your torso from the left so that your right knee meets your left elbow. Then repeat with the opposite side and alternate successively, try to do about 15-20 repetitions.


By doing this exercise correctly, you will strengthen the rectus abdominus, the internal and external obliques. Make sure that your abdominal muscles are contracted, gently pulling your navel towards your back and keeping your back straight. Your legs can be straight and raised at a 45º angle or your knees bent. Extend your arms towards your calves, hold, and return to the starting position.

Bridge pose and single leg variation

Image: The Country

This is a posture that improves spinal and abdominal stability. The posture isolates and strengthens the gluteal and hamstring muscles. Hold for 15-30 seconds in a controlled manner.

For a more advanced variation, try lifting one leg parallel to the floor and holding for 30 seconds.

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