The good thing about having bilirubin (conjugated) raised
Learn how a healthy liver's antioxidant bilirubin helps reduce the risk of obesity and other complications associated with it .
Until now it was thought that bilirubin was simply the product that results from the breakdown of red blood cells called heme and was responsible for the yellow color in urine, bruises and jaundice.
But in a medical article, published in the virtual journal Openheart , the authors explain how bilirubin inhibits the metabolic enzyme NAD(P)H oxidase or dual oxidase (DUOX) that is activated in a large number of metabolic diseases generating a large amount of oxidative stress and how phycocyanobilin, present in spirulina, exhibits effects similar to this positive action of bilirubin. ( 1 )
This information is truly groundbreaking because it tells us that our body has its own natural way, within our own organism, to counteract ailments that plague a large population. Let's see how:
Various research and experiments, especially in older people, and with conditions such as atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease and HIV, resulted in the conclusion that in those with higher bilirubin levels, the risk of heart attack and other diseases decreased. ( 2 )
Until recently, science did not realize that bilirubin has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and arterioprotective properties, but little by little evidence has been accumulating to corroborate this.
The way bilirubin is thought to provide these health benefits is through its ability to inhibit DUOX. Overactivity of DUOX appears to play a major role in a number of ailments, as mentioned above and in other vascular complications related to diabetes, liver failure, blindness and heart disease, for example. But also at the level of insulin resistance, neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, cancer, glaucoma, pulmonary fibrosis and erectile dysfunction.
According to an article by Dr. Joseph Mercola, preventing many chronic diseases would require inhibiting or regulating DUOX and it is believed that bilirubin can do this with its modulating capacity. ( 3 )
People with Gilbert's syndrome may demonstrate this phenomenon because they are genetically predisposed to chronically elevated levels of conjugated bilirubin.
These people have 2-3 times more bilirubin than the rest of us after 24 hours of fasting, and enjoy a greatly reduced risk of hypertension, coronary heart disease, carotid atherosclerosis, and overall mortality. This protection is thought to be related to their high bilirubin levels. ( 4 )
Bilirubin – Spirulina inhibitors of the DUOX enzyme
Because phycocyanobilin is a close relative of bilirubin and spirulina is a great source of phycocyanobilin, spirulina has great clinical potential due to its DUOX inhibitory effect.
Several studies have shown that elevated levels of bilirubin in plasma are associated with increased insulin sensitivity, decreased risk of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. Regardless of the muscle mass index, bilirubin was found to be responsible for the protective effect of adipocyte function in the body. ( 5 )
To cut a long story short, it seems that in addition to all the benefits of bilirubin in the body, it has the property of not allowing fat to accumulate in the body since it controls the action of leptin, a hormone that is synthesized in adipose tissue, whose receptor is located in the hypothalamus and is what tells us when we have eaten enough. Unfortunately, the deregulation of leptin or its receptors produces a voracious appetite and overeating, leading to many of the metabolic imbalances we have already mentioned.
Where bilirubin and spirulina can help control overweight, especially in older people
As mentioned above, people with Gilbert's syndrome are genetically predisposed to having elevated levels of unconjugated bilirubin and this appears to not only protect them from cardiovascular disease, but also from body fat accumulation, especially in older ages. Hypothalamic leptin resistance is a condition known to promote weight gain as one ages. ( 6 )
Spirulina may combat leptin resistance by mimicking the action of bilirubin
Raising your antioxidant bilirubin levels potentially protects you from diabetes and obesity. Bilirubin is not a nutrient that is consumed and activated, so spirulina may be an interesting option since the phycocyanobilin found in spirulina is very similar to bilirubin.
So far, experiments have been conducted with rodents fed a high-fat diet that included spirulina, and the results have been positive. Although the studies did not focus on the function of leptin, the fact is that rodents that consumed spirulina had more brown adipose tissue. Brown adipose tissue is specialized in burning fat, so their adipocytes have numerous lipid droplets distributed throughout the cytoplasm and surrounded by numerous mitochondria (our energy-producing factories), which corroborates the action of leptin in these rodents.
Spirulina's mimicking of bilirubin may be another example of a more generalized strategy of our body to prevent or reverse unhealthy overweight; counteract hypothalamic leptin resistance or regulate hypothalamic leptin signaling.
Some facts and recommendations to know about spirulina
If you want to include spirulina in your diet, it's important to choose a good quality spirulina. Because spirulina is grown in an uncontrolled environment, it's vulnerable to contamination with heavy metals and other toxins, so whenever possible, purchase organic spirulina from a reputable source.
Spirulina comes in several forms: capsules, tablets, flakes, and powder. Dosage depends on the purpose for which it is used or to whom it is given. In general, for adults, the dosage is about 3 grams per day. For disease prevention, you can increase the dosage little by little up to 20 grams per day. The maintenance dosage is about 10 grams per day.
According to Dr. Mercola's recommendations in his article, you should increase your consumption of filtered water when taking spirulina to help it be absorbed by the body. Also, you should keep in mind that spirulina is a very powerful detoxifier and depending on its toxic load, it may or may not have a detoxifying reaction. Therefore, it is recommended to start with a low dose and increase it little by little.
Although there are no known side effects, every body and health condition is different, so there is a possibility of having a reaction like the following:
Mild fever : The high protein content in Spirulina increases metabolism, which can raise body temperature.
Dark green stools : Spirulina has the ability to remove waste products from the colon, which causes the stool to darken. Also, Spirulina contains a high level of chlorophyll which turns stool green.
Gas : Gas buildup may indicate that your digestive system is not working properly.
Excitability : As your body is converting protein into heat energy, this can cause feelings of restlessness.
Skin rashes or itching : This is caused by the gut cleansing process, but it is a temporary reaction.
Drowsiness – This is caused by the detoxification process, it can indicate that your body is exhausted and needs more rest.
Although spirulina is completely natural and considered a healthy food, you should keep the following in mind and avoid consuming it if you:
- He has a severe allergy to shellfish
- He is allergic to iodine
- She is pregnant
- If you are breastfeeding
If you suffer from hyperthyroidism, consult your doctor before taking spirulina. Also, avoid spirulina if you have a fever as it may increase your temperature even more.
Difference between Spirulina and Chlorella
They can often be confused as they are both dark green algae, but their functions and benefits are slightly different. However, if you cannot tolerate spirulina, you can consume chlorella although the latter does not contain phycocyanobilin so it will not inhibit DUOX.
Chlorella can help you detoxify your body of mercury, especially if you still have dental fillings, have had vaccines containing Thiomersal , or frequently consume contaminated fish. Chlorella is one of the nutrients with the highest chlorophyll content and has a number of health benefits.
Spirulina itself does not remove heavy metals since it does not contain a cell membrane. But it can protect the liver from the toxic effects of heavy metals and help eliminate other toxins, including arsenic.