You may have already heard about some of the benefits of apple cider vinegar, but what makes me mention it this time is that it helps balance blood sugar levels and other modern ailments.
Experiments were conducted with people whose glucose levels were compromised and who were forced to consume two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar at night along with a carbohydrate-free snack. The next morning their glucose readings were shown to be lower than those of another group that had consumed the snack accompanied by two tablespoons of water.
When blood sugar levels are low, the body's metabolism becomes more efficient. Several studies have been conducted in the United States (1) that indicate a great capacity of acetic acid, present in this vinegar, to stimulate the genes that awaken the ability of enzymes to break down fat and eventually prevent overweight, for those who are in need of it.
Likewise, apple cider vinegar helps balance the body's pH, increase healthy bacteria in the intestine, detoxify the lymphatic system and reduce oxidative damage caused by free radicals.
Some studies conducted in Japan have indicated that some types of fermented vinegar cause apoptosis (programmed cell death that prevents cancer cells from accumulating in the body) in people suffering from leukemia.
For people suffering from ulcerative colitis, ulcers and reflux, Dr. Joseph Mercola recommends apple cider vinegar along with fermented vegetables to relieve various types of stomach discomfort since the acid present in fermentation is lactic acid, which promotes good intestinal flora health.