Qué es la enfermedad del hígado graso no alcohólico y por qué se está volviendo tan común

What is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and why is it becoming so common?

Image by VSRao Pixabay

Fatty liver disease is the result of excess fat in the liver cells. Fatty tissue builds up in the liver when a person's diet exceeds the amount of fat that their body can tolerate. Fat can also be transferred from other parts of the body or the liver's inability to convert fat into a form that can be eliminated. A person is said to have fatty liver when fat makes up at least 5% of the liver.

“Simple” fatty liver is considered a normal condition that does not lead to liver damage. However, once “simple” fat buildup begins, the liver is vulnerable to damage that can result in inflammation and scarring of the liver. ( 1 )

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

It is a progressive disease that begins with the accumulation of fat in the liver without excessive alcohol consumption. It is associated with metabolic syndrome (obesity + insulin resistance).

What would be considered excessive alcohol consumption?

More than 2 alcoholic drinks for women and more than 3 alcoholic drinks for men.

One drink equals

  • 341 ml of beer, cider, the alcohol content of which is 5%
  • 142 ml of wine or similar with an alcohol content of 12%
  • 43 ml of brandy or similar with an alcohol content of 40%


In countries such as Canada and other first world countries, it has been pointed out that the most common cause of fatty liver is obesity and type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high triglyceride levels.

In addition to the causes mentioned above, there are other nutritional causes of fatty liver disease:

- Starvation and protein malnutrition

- Prolonged use of parenteral nutrition (feeding through direct infusion into the bloodstream)

- Intestinal bypass, a surgery for obesity

- Weight loss too quickly.

Conditions that often accompany and may contribute to fatty liver disease:

  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Hyperlipidemia (elevated levels of lipids in the blood)
  • Insulin resistance and high blood pressure.

Other causes:

  • Genetic factors
  • Drugs or chemicals such as alcohol, corticosteroids, tetracycline and carbon tetrachloride.

What is the difference between overweight and obesity?

Although many people feel they could lose a few pounds, few consider themselves obese. A widely used measure for defining “overweight” and “obesity” is the Body Mass Index (BMI). This calculation is based on dividing your weight by your height and this result is correlated with a table pre-established by the World Health Organization and the Public Health Agency of Canada.

The following formula can be used to calculate the IMM:

IMM = weight in Kilos / (height in meters) 2

Example, if your height is 1.70 cm and you weigh 60 kilograms then; IMM= 60/ (1.70X 1.70)

BMI or BMI (Muscle Mass Index) = 20.7

What does your waist circumference have to do with it?

Excess abdominal fat is associated with fatty liver disease and other health risks. Waist measurements (which are different for each gender) are used to identify health risks associated with excess abdominal fat: for men, risks increase if the waist circumference is greater than 102 cm. For women, risks increase when the waist circumference is greater than 88 cm.

Treatment for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)

Western populations are becoming increasingly sedentary and the incidence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is increasing, making it one of the most common causes of liver disease worldwide. ( 2 )

Fatty liver disease is the condition most commonly identified in obese individuals. It has been classified as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease if it is independent of alcohol consumption. Hepatic steatosis is identified in 65% of individuals with grade I-II obesity (IMM=30-39.9 kg/m 2 ) and in 85% of patients with grade III obesity (IMM= 40-59 kg/m 2 ).

Before taking any precautions or actions, there are two types of steatosis: simple steatosis, which is caused by isolated fat and, in principle, does not have a bad prognosis. On the other hand, steatohepatitis is when inflammation and progressive fibrosis appear, which can lead to cirrhosis and hepatocarcinoma.

Currently, there are no approved pharmacological treatments for Steatosis, but it has been shown that NAFLD requires lifestyle modifications. For now, the treatment consists of maintaining an adapted hypocaloric diet, that is, one that is not only low in calories but must eliminate certain foods such as sugars to modulate insulin resistance; doing moderate physical exercise and being constantly monitored by a specialist doctor.

Plants that help strengthen liver hygiene and function

Both the liver and the gallbladder work to form bile. Bile is a digestive secretion that helps emulsify fat and is therefore an important agent in both digestion and detoxification processes.

Good bile flow is necessary for overall health. Let's see how you can promote good bile flow and thus keep your liver clear and improve the performance of this organ.

  1. Green or yellow lemon

Lemon is a great medicine. It helps balance the body's pH, contains vitamin C and, of course, participates in the production of bile and stomach acid. The acidity of lemon, as you will sense every time you consume it, helps bile digest fats, eliminate cholesterol and toxins. Lemons are used in various organic cleansings that you can learn about in my book The Art of Healing: Living Food, the alternative to nourish and heal yourself during this time .

You can use lemon in a variety of ways: some people start their day with a large glass of lemon water to hydrate, stimulate metabolism and digestion, as well as detoxify the liver and gallbladder.

For my part, I add it to the green extract I take every day (recipe); soups, salads, some teas and juices.

  1. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral effects. In traditional medicines it is used to relieve gallbladder pain. It helps digestion, the liver, blood sugar levels, and cholesterol. ( 3 )

Apple cider vinegar has a sweet taste that blends well into a variety of foods. Add it to guacamole, salads, soups, and quinoa dishes. You can also add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a large glass of filtered water and drink it on an empty stomach to support liver and gallbladder function.

  1. Flat parsley and basil

More than just a seasoning for food, flat-leaf parsley and basil contain antioxidants, flavonoids, minerals and vitamins.

Both plants are powerful detoxifiers, flat-leaf parsley, on the other hand, participates in the release of bile and in the removal of heavy metals and other toxins from the body. It is thought to reduce inflammatory enzymes in the liver. Both flat-leaf parsley and basil help to lower sugar levels since when these levels are high they cause inflammation in the liver. ( 4 )

Flat-leaf parsley can be added to salads, green juice, soups, juices and more. Basil pesto is a delicious preparation that can be used in dishes with Mediterranean flavors.

  1. Cucumber

You may already know that cucumber contains a lot of water, packed with phytonutrients and electrolytes. They have a detoxifying effect on the body and are essential for detoxifying the kidneys, gallbladder and liver.

Cucumber is one of the basic ingredients in my green extract recipe, but it also goes very well in salads.

  1. Celery

Celery is rich in antioxidant substances and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus, as well as vitamins B 9 or folate, vitamin A and vitamin K. ( 5 )

Its consumption relieves reflux and ulcers; it helps reduce inflammation and infections caused by H. Pylori and streptococcus. It contains a concentration of salts, which are crucial for liver and gallbladder function. ( 6 )

Celery is another of my star ingredients in the green extract that I recommend drinking as a daily detox ritual or at least 3 times a week.

  1. Spearmint and mint

These herbs help stimulate the digestive system and relieve stomach and intestinal problems. They act as a natural relaxant that helps soften the colon wall.

In addition, they freshen breath, are used as internal deodorants, stimulate bile production, improve skin quality, help concentration and calm.

Add mint or spearmint leaves to salads, juices and teas. You can also use the super concentrated version of peppermint essential oil.

  1. Milk thistle or Milk thistle or Sylimarin

Although this plant is not easily found in nature, its pill form is sold in many pharmacies and health food stores.

I include it here because the active ingredients in Milk Thistle provide several positive effects for our health. It is used to detoxify the liver, kidneys and gallbladder. It helps strengthen the intestinal lining, i.e. the walls of the intestine; protects the kidneys from oxidative stress; supports the function of the pancreas, lungs, cervix and prostate. ( 7 )

In the liver specifically, it protects its numerous cell membranes and slows down the rate at which toxins are absorbed in the liver. Scientific studies show that milk thistle can be good for people with cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis C and B. ( 8 )

  1. Dandelion leaves and roots

Yes, the ones that grow in the garden like weeds, the ones with little yellow flowers.

The leaves and roots help improve intestinal motility. They are diuretic and ease digestion thanks to their mucilage and inulin content, which facilitate the processing of food.

They have anti-inflammatory effects. They protect against bone density loss. They decrease lipid oxidation levels and prevent the loss of antioxidant compounds in the liver. They stimulate the pancreas to produce insulin and regulate blood sugar levels. ( 9 )

Its detoxifying effect is used to treat skin conditions such as acne. It helps kidney health by preventing toxins and kidney stones from accumulating.

  1. Turmeric

Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial plant. It helps improve liver and gallbladder function. In recent years, scientific studies have been conducted that propose turmeric for relieving arthritis, preventing liver damage, immune stimulant, wound healing, controlling diabetes and more. ( 10 )

Turmeric is used in many Indian culinary preparations such as curry. It can be added to salads, soups, sauces. Try my turmeric latte recipe here.

  1. Ginger

Ginger is another powerful anti-inflammatory plant from the same family as turmeric.

Gingerol is the active compound in ginger and is responsible for reducing inflammation in the body. It is used to relieve colon inflammation and digestive discomfort.

Ginger supplementation as such has been shown to have hypolipidemic and antioxidant effects, as well as being an insulin-sensitizer. ( 11 )

It is used to relieve nausea, colic, heartburn; but also for throat and respiratory tract conditions.

You can add ginger to your juices, teas, legumes and Asian-inspired preparations.

  1. Arugula or rocket

According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, arugula contains cleansing properties that counteract the toxic effects of heavy metals in the body, particularly in the liver, and being a cruciferous vegetable, it should help prevent cancer. Additionally, according to the Linus Pauling Institute, it contains 8.2 mg of chlorophyll in one cup, which helps heal wounds, and, even more importantly, prevent liver disease. ( 12 )

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