Vegetable extracts and smoothies, The Challenge
Guide to vegetable extracts and smoothies to obtain the daily requirement of nutrients in our body
If you have become interested in this topic today, congratulations on taking a step towards improving your health and quality of life!
As I have mentioned before, cooking and other processes alter the chemical composition and destroy important micronutrients in foods.
Nutrition experts now recommend 6-8 servings of vegetables a day to meet the body's requirements. The good news is that juicing vegetables and some fruits, as well as certain smoothies, can help you meet this requirement.
Benefits of vegetable juice extraction
- Juicing allows you to absorb all the nutrients from vegetables. Juicing allows you to “pre-digest” the vegetables you decide to consume so that the nutrients can be optimally absorbed by the body.
- Juicing allows you to consume the recommended amounts of vegetables efficiently.
- A wider variety of vegetables can be added, including those not normally included in the diet and which we know are important for maintaining health.
Some recommendations
It is important to note that extracts do not replace an entire meal. Think of them like taking a multivitamin. So they should be added to your diet and not intended to replace a meal with them.
Listen to your body . Take advantage of this opportunity to prepare an extract of vegetables that you don't normally eat, or that don't satisfy you as much as others that you usually include in your meals. However, the juice must have a good flavor. To do this, you can add lemon, mint, ginger, blueberries and, in some cases, a few drops of stevia, since apart from being a sweetener, it is a substance that fights the proliferation of bacteria in the intestine.
Try to use organic vegetables as much as you can since some of the vegetables I mention here contain quite a bit of pesticide:
- Celery
- Spinach
- Kale
- Lettuce
- Carrot
- Cucumber (but it decreases if you remove the skin)
Drink the juice or smoothie as soon as possible . Vegetable extracts, more than smoothies, are highly perishable, so it is best to drink them as soon as possible. However, with care, they can be stored for 24 hours with a slight loss of quality. To do this, store in the refrigerator in a glass jar with a lid. Try to fill it to the maximum, as any air space “oxidizes” and spoils the juice.
Clean the juicer or blender immediately after use. It is important to clean it well, if possible, with a toothbrush and hot water with baking soda also works to help remove vegetable stains that settle on the parts of these appliances.
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